become a blrcT friend

You can become a BABY LIFE RESCUE CENTRE TRUST friend, by commiting to support us regularly (monthly) with as little as Ksh. 1000 (10$) per child.

one time donation

You can support us by giving a onetime donation or by visiting us or organizing your friends / company to visit us.

sponsor care & support for a child

At BLRC, Ksh. 20,000 (200$) per month, provides one infant with shelter, food, formula milk, diapers, clothing and health care.

All the money you contribute goes directly to care for the children

We Appreciate any Donation

Our program takes care of all their needs in a very direct way: housing, clothes, staffing, food, books, health care and education. We do everything for them and at the same time provide an income for our staff and their families. We use the money very wisely and really try to make every dollar count. We welcome our sponsors to come over and visit us and meet the children you are supporting.

You can use TansfarWise, World Remit, send wave among many others online platforms to enable you send your donation direct to the Bank account


Name: Baby Life Rescue Centre Trust
A/C Number: 01128226275000
Bank: Co-Operative Bank of Kenya Limited
Swift Code: KCOOKENA
Bank code: 11004


Paybill Number: 756073. Account: Your name

Currently our PayPal Donations are being collected by a friend of BLRCT, Sean, from A People For His Name. All gifts given for the children are forwarded in full.

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